Contact your DART board members!
Tell the DART Board about your opposition to reduction of DART fixed services for a single GoLink zone
- Friday, January 10th 2025, arrive by 12:45pm
- Meeting is at DART Headquarters at Akard Station, 1401 Pacific Avenue, Dallas
- Fill out a "Request to Address The Board" comment card - this can only be done in person. DART board meeting details and public comment guidance
The DART board is discussing cutting back fixed route bus service in Plano in order to fund city wide GoLink service. This is a bad idea. First, this would exclude the most vulnerable people in their community. GoLink does not operate well without an Internet connected smart phone. Of course, the most vulnerable are the least likely to have one, for example, older people, disabled people, and poor people.
Additionally, as GoLink service requires one driver for every few passengers instead of one driver serving many passengers, the cost scales dramatically faster for GoLink than for bus service. Therefore, replacing fixed route service with GoLink service would dramatically increase the cost just to service the existing riders. On top of this, a single GoLink zone is going to attract new riders, further increasing the cost. This is not a fiscally sound decision.
Further, the board contemplated reducing rail frequency to help fund a single GoLink zone. This is an unacceptable compromise. Rail service is so critical for riders getting into and out of Plano. It is so well used that DART is already looking into increasing the rail service frequency.
While we do not oppose a single Plano GoLink zone, it is not prudent for this to come at the expense of bus and rail service.
Here’s how you can help support DATA’s efforts to keep transit in DFW effective:
- Email and/or call your DART board representative and board chair Gary Slagel, indicating that you do not support Plano’s demands nor any non-population-based board governance model. Contact information for the DART Board can be found below this message.
- Attend one or both of the upcoming board workshops on January 8th and 10th and submit a public comment related to the above
- January 10th meeting agenda and location details
- Presentation of Slides
- Livestream link
- Follow @ridewithdata on Instagram/Twitter/Bluesky for updates
- Join the DATA discord to interact with the members directly
DART board contact list:
GASlagel@dart.org, RSchlosser@dart.org, MNBarbera@dart.org, FMHernandez@dart.org, MCEnoch@dart.org, PNWageman@dart.org, RHStopfer@dart.org, MWKrause@dart.org, PJKennedy@dart.org, DHrbacek@dart.org, CGarcia3@dart.org, MAbraham@dart.org, EMacGregor@dart.org, DDAlexander@dart.org, RBBryant@dart.org
To get the latest updates and news, follow DATA's social media listed at https://dallasareatransitalliance.org/contact.