September Newsletter
Cover Image for September Newsletter
DATA Newsletter
DATA Newsletter

August has been a busy month with budget season for all the cities, so here's what's upcoming in September!

Thanks everyone for coming out last week and speaking to the DART Board and Dallas City Council, your message was certainly heard from the media and various council members.

September General Meeting

Our September General Meeting details have been finalized, and we are moving to a new venue! (We outgrew our current venue.) We will meet at the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library in Downtown Dallas.

Disclosure: This event is not sponsored by the Dallas Public Library.

DATA Officer Elections

At the next general body meeting on September 21st, DATA will be hosting an election for officers and committee chairs. All members are free to register as a candidate for any position, but can only serve in one elected position. The positions up for election are:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Media/Gov Relations Chair
  • Social Media and Outreach Chair
  • Policy Research Chair
  • Event Planning Chair

Election details will be sent via GroupMe, where candidates can share their experience and vision ahead of the election. More details on voting logistics and the election process will be sent out ahead of the next meeting.

Week without Driving (September 30 - October 6, 2024)


DATA is proud to announce that we will be participating in the Dallas Week without Driving co-hosted by Dallas Bike Coalition and Better Block. Also partnered are with Feonix Mobility, DFW Urbanistas, Dallas Youth Commission, and Dallas Neighbors for Housing.

Join us by doing the following steps below:

  1. Sign up on the national site. Select elected official, transportation official, individual, or your appropriate role.
  2. Participate by replacing as many car trips as possible with walking, transit, or biking. One trip or one day is a success. A perfect week is not the goal!
  3. Share the campaign flyer on social media.
  4. Reflect on the experience using the Week Without Driving Reflection Questions.
  5. Share your thoughts with us and our partners on social media too! (@ridewithdata, @dallasbicyclecoalition, and @betterblock)

Do you know a Rowlett Resident or Business Owner?

Let's try to get some DART positivity headed to Rowlett's way before the city council meeting on Tuesday.

Nadine Lee will be showing up to speak to Rowlett City Council on Tuesday, September 3rd at 7:00pm.

If you know any residents or business owners who would be opposed to DART cuts. Please have them go speak at either at the public meeting itself or just before it through email.

Once again, thanks for your continued support. We hope to see you at another DATA event or at a board meeting.